
Covenant is a prominent biblical word and can describe a variety of relationships. Covenants were made between two people of “equal” standing. They would come together and agree to mutual aid, protection, and success. It might mean a military relationship or the sharing of resources. Marriage is a biblical covenant where a man and a woman come together and make promises, agreeing to live together for life. This covenant is established in love and carried out in faithfulness. While a covenant can be defined in terms of a contract or legal agreement, the idea of covenant is intended to go much deeper. A covenant implies or defines a relationship between two people, nations, etc. It is the relational piece of covenant which stands out for us.

While a covenant can be made between two equal parties, the Bible also describes covenants between unequal parties. The most prominent form of this covenant is the covenant that God offers to humanity. God and man are not equals. God is holy and sovereign. Man is not. So a covenant with God is immediately a gift from God. More than that, God offers a relationship, a bond between Himself and man. In Genesis 17, God comes to Abram and offers to make a bond with Abram. God offers Himself in relationship. God displays His love for Abram and all humanity.

The covenant with Abram holds some vivid pictures of what happens when we enter into a relationship with God. Form Abram the covenant with God was a life changing event. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, God promised transformation in the form of future generations. God promised to make Abraham fruitful and give him a land to live in and call his home. The covenant with Abraham was a bond between God and man that impacted the world in Abraham’s day, and throughout the future of all mankind.

For you and I, baptism is the covenant we share with God. In the moment of our surrender, God changes our name and adopts us into His family. God promises to transform our nature and our character. Our life in God impacts our daily decisions, actions, and thoughts. It also reaches out from us to impact those around us and the world. The covenant we enter into with God has eternal implications about our future home and the land in which we will eventually live. The covenant is a living relationship where God offers Himself in love so that you and I can walk in holiness and righteousness. Each week we renew our covenant bond in communion.

This week as you read each day, remember that we are embedding the words and promises of God’s covenant love in our hearts. He continues to offer Himself to us and calls for us to give ourselves to Him.

Date Daily Reading
January 17 Genesis 17
January 18 Genesis 18:1-21
January 19 Genesis 18:22-33
January 20 Genesis 19
January 21 Genesis 20
January 22 Genesis 21:1-21
January 23 Genesis 21:22-34
January 24 Genesis 22


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