
So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.” ~ Acts 2:41

What does it mean to be the church? In the first century, the gospel was changing lives and calling men and women out of the world and away from sin. The gospel called people into the church, just like it does today. So what does it mean to be the church?

Being the church means being called out. Out of the world and sin. Out of ourselves and into Jesus. Being part of the church means committing to holiness. To living as “set apart” from the world, even though we walk in the world and deal with it every day.

Being the church means being a family. Following the direction of the Father. Encouraging our brothers and sisters. Standing together. Letting love saturate our relationships. It means practicing forgiveness and patience. It means being kind and faithful. It means having a place where we call home.

Being the church means being excited about what God is doing. Excited about how God transforms lives and changes hearts. Excited about carrying a message of hope and healing into a helpless and hurting world. Excited about telling the story of Jesus, both in the biblical context and in a personal context. Excited about sharing what Jesus is doing in my life today. Excited about grace, salvation, obedience, and faith.

Being the church means being connected to the movement and plan of God. It means looking like Jesus in every part of our lives. Being the church means surrendering our will to the will of Christ. Being the church means many things, but mostly it means that we are committed to learning and growing to look like Jesus.

Date Snapshot Reading Full Reading
August 9 Acts 2:1-47 Acts 1-2
August 10 Acts 4:1-37 Acts 3-4
August 11 Acts 6:1-15 Acts 5-6
August 12 Acts 7:1-60 Acts 7
August 13 Acts 9:1-43 Acts 8-9
August 14 Acts 10:1-48 Acts 10-11
August 15 Acts 12:1-25 Acts 12
August 16 Acts 14:1-28 Acts 13-15


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