
“He said, “Who are you?” And she answered, “I am Ruth, your servant. Spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer.”” ~ Ruth 3:9

Light shines brightest in the darkness. We all know it. Walk out of a movie theater after an early matinee showing and you have to shield your eyes from the sun. Turn on the bedroom light after waking up in the middle of the night and all you can do is squint. The darkness makes the light brighter.

Reading through the Book of Judges is sometimes like walking in the dark. Over and over, we see sin at work. The Israelites are living in a time when their covenant with God is in shambles. Idolatry, self-centeredness, and darkness mark the lives of God’s people. It can be hard to read. Even the Book of Ruth starts out in a dark place. Naomi and her family leave the Promised Land to walk in Moab. They experience suffering and death. But just when we think that there can be no hope, God intervenes in the lives of His people.

In the Book of Judges, names like Gideon, Ehud, and Deborah shine in the darkness to reveal God’s presence and power. These judges are a picture of the coming Messiah, a picture of hope and salvation, a picture of a redeemer. The Book of Ruth draws a powerful picture of what a redeemer does for man. Ruth has walked out of Moab and is living among God’s people. She needs a future and a life. Under God’s law, Boaz can bring that transformation. So Ruth goes to Boaz and asks him to spread his wings over her. To cover her in love. To give her life and a future. It is a beautiful picture of redemption. It is a picture of Jesus. Our Redeemer.

Date Snapshot Reading Full Reading
February 15 Judges 2:1-23 Judges 1-4
February 16 Judges 6:1-40 Judges 5-7
February 17 Judges 10:1-18 Judges 8-11
February 18 Judges 13:1-25 Judges 12-14
February 19 Judges 16:1-31 Judges 15-18
February 20 Judges 20:1-48 Judges 19-21
February 21 Ruth 2:1-23 Ruth 1-4
February 22 1 Samuel 3:1-21 1 Samuel 1-5


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