Hope often springs up in the strangest places. So far, Ezekiel has had a lot to say in our reading about judgment and destruction. He has painted, in vivid pictures, the sin of God’s people. In Ezekiel 11, we find a sudden shift; we find a message of hope. God has not deserted His people. He is planning on a time when the nation of Israel will once again inhabit the Promised Land. God promises a time when He and His people will walk again in Israel. When this time comes, the people will be faithful. Idols will be torn down and destroyed. The law of God, and His teachings, will call the people to obedience and surrender. God promises a bright future. But read again Ezekiel 11:16. God tells His people that He is with them now. That surrender and praise are a part of today. While there is a bright future for those who walk with God, never forget that God inhabits this day, this hour, this moment. He is with us wherever we go. It is a truth that makes a difference. A promise that we need to embed in our hearts.
Date | Reading |
September 21 | Ezekiel 11:14-25 |
September 22 | Ezekiel 12 |
September 23 | Ezekiel 13 |
September 24 | Ezekiel 14-15 |
September 25 | Ezekiel 16 |
September 26 | Ezekiel 17 |
September 27 | Ezekiel 18 |
September 28 | Ezekiel 19 |