I just have to say that from a male perspective (read a boy that never grew up), 1 Chronicles 11 has to be one of the most awesome chapters in the Bible. It introduces David’s “Mighty Men.” A group of thirty overachievers living in the extreme. Look at them and you will see men who charge boldly into battle, wield spears with deadly precision, who brave enemies and death for a drink of water, and even a guy who fights lions. It’s a whole chapter of superheroes who exist to fight the evil enemies that stand against David, the embodiment of truth, justice, and the Israelite way. But I love it! I love it because it is over the top. I love it because it is fearless. I love it because these men have a cause and they give their entire selves to living and fighting for a king. In my life I need to remember that I have a king. I want to live each day as a mighty man for God. I don’t want to hold anything back, miss any opportunity, or fear any foe. What about you?
Date | Reading | January 5 | 1 Chronicles 5 |
January 6 | 1 Chronicles 6 |
January 7 | 1 Chronicles 7 |
January 8 | 1 Chronicles 8 |
January 9 | 1 Chronicles 9 |
January 10 | 1 Chronicles 10 |
January 11 | 1 Chronicles 11 |
January 12 | 1 Chronicles 12 |