Psalm 19:10 tells us that the law of the Lord is perfect, more precious than gold, and sweeter than honey. Psalm 119:103 echoes that sentiment as it proclaims that the precepts of the Lord are sweeter than honey. The picture is a powerful one. Honey was a much desired commodity in biblical times. Used to refer to the Promised Land as an overflow of the blessings of God, honey signified that God keeps His promises and showers blessings on His people. Manna was said to taste like honey, a picture of God’s providence and care for His people. In the Psalms, honey is talked about as being sweet, attractive, a desired commodity. Tie the image of honey with the words of God and there is a sense of longing for direction from God, a desire to have the words of God in our hearts and on our lips. There is a sense of satisfaction with the words of God. They are nourishing and filling. They are sweet to the taste. God promises transformation and relationship. God desires to bless us in abundance. As we seek out and long for the words of God, He pours out His great love and care for us. We can stand in the overflow of God’s grace when the Bible is embedded on our hearts.
Date | Reading |
August 4 | Psalm 119:65-72 |
August 5 | Psalm 119:73-80 |
August 6 | Psalm 119:81-88 |
August 7 | Psalm 119:89-96 |
August 8 | Psalm 119:97-104 |
August 9 | Psalm 119:105-112 |
August 10 | Psalm 119:113-120 |
August 11 | Psalm 119:121-128 |