Slow Down

This week we begin to read the longest psalm in the Bible. In fact, Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. It has 176 verses, which is more verses than 13 Old Testament books and 16 New Testament books. This psalm is divided into 22 stanzas (or sections) and each stanza begins with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is one of about a dozen acrostic psalms in the Bible. (John Peter Lange, Philip Schaff, Carl Bernhard Moll et al., A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Psalms) Its message is a call to love the words of God. It invites us to listen intently to what God has to say as He teaches His people. It is a psalm about study and embedding Scripture in our hearts and lives. We will be taking this psalm slowly over the next couple of weeks. Let me encourage you to enjoy the slow pace of our reading during this time. Read each section two or three times during the day. Pray over it. Let it sink into your thoughts and your heart. Meditate on the message of each section. Hear the love that the writer pours into each line as he talks about his love for God’s Word. I think you will be blessed.

Date Reading
July 21 Psalm 114
July 22 Psalm 115
July 23 Psalm 116
July 24 Psalm 117
July 25 Psalm 118:1-13
July 26 Psalm 118:14-29
July 27 Psalm 119:1-8
July 28 Psalm 119:9-16


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