As we embed the Bible this week, we will finish reading the letters from Jesus to the seven churches of Asia. It is always remarkable to me to think of Jesus writing a personal letter to these churches. Among all that will happen in the Revelation, in the midst of a world that is seeking to make Christianity an outdated notion or a foolish endeavor, Jesus takes the time to write to His people. He shares the message that victory is at hand and that the battle is won. He calls His people to stand firm and to live out the relationship that they have with Him. Personal words from a loving God. In Revelation 3:7-13, Jesus writes to the church in Philadelphia. He encourages His people to continue in their faithfulness, following the words of God that have shaped their lives. Holding on to God’s word brings a new name and a solid faith. These words shed some light on our lives in our times. The people of God have the words of God to hang on to. God is writing His name on our hearts and in our lives. Embedding the Bible grows faith and perseverance.
Date | Reading |
December 16 | Revelation 3 |
December 17 | Revelation 4-5 |
December 18 | Revelation 6:1-7:8 |
December 19 | Revelation 7:9-8:13 |
December 20 | Revelation 9 |
December 21 | Revelation 10:1-11:14 |
December 22 | Revelation 11:15-12:17 |
December 23 | Revelation 13 |