Love One Another

If you have attended Spring Creek for a while, you have seen a baptism. It you have seen a baptism at Spring Creek, you have had a chance to stand in a Welcome Circle. The Welcome Circle is a time when we honor a family, group, or individual who has just been born again through the blood of Jesus in baptism. It is a time when we sing together, pray together, and make promises together. We promise to pray for, encourage, hold accountable, and love our new brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a time to affirm the family relationship we share with each other. It is a time to express the joy felt in heaven and all across the globe as someone surrenders their life to Christ. It is a time to say “I love you. Welcome to the family of God.” In John 13:35, Jesus says that the world knows we are His because of the love we share for each other. When we look like Jesus, the world knows our identity, our allegiances, and the love that is embedded in our hearts.

Date Reading
June 10 John 13:1-30
June 11 John 13:31-14:14
June 12 John 14:15-31
June 13 John 15
June 14 John 16:1-16
June 15 John 16:17-33
June 16 John 17
June 17 John 18:1-24


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